Oil Collection Terms & Conditions

Legal Agreement for Used Cooking Oil Collection Last updated 3/20/25

As part of the signed agreement for waste vegetable oil collection services, all customers hereby acknowledge and agree to the following terms and conditions. These terms are established in accordance with the International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) standards and apply to all points of Origin (PoO) producing used cooking oil (UCO). By entering into this agreement, customers confirm their understanding and acceptance of these conditions, which are integral to the contractual obligations with Atlantic BioFuels and compliance requirements set forth by the ISCC.

ISCC Self-Declaration for Points of Origin Producing Used Cooking Oil (UCO)

Compliance with Government Regulations

Government regulations mandate that we document and file the type of cooking oil used by each customer. In accordance with the ISCC certification process, Atlantic BioFuels is required to request an ISCC Self-Declaration from each of our customers.

Non-Certified Status

If the UCO collected from your facility is mixed with fresh oil or contains any amount of animal-origin products (e.g., lard, butter, tallow), you will be classified as non-certified.

Presumption of Compliance

If we do not receive a signed notice before the date of your first service, it will be presumed that your UCO is entirely of vegetable origin and that you have no objections to the contents of the Self-Declaration.

By signing the Agreement for Waste Vegetable Oil Collection, the signatory agrees to the Self-Declaration for Points of Origin Producing UCO and confirms the following:

  1. UCO refers to oil and fat of vegetable or animal origin which has been used to cook food for human consumption. Deliveries of UCO covered under this self-declaration consist entirely of UCO and are not mixed with any other oil or fat that doesn’t comply with the definition of UCO.
  2. UCO covered under this self-declaration meets the definition of a waste. This means the UCO is a material that the Point of Origin discards or intends or is required to discard and that the UCO was not intentionally modified or contaminated to meet this definition.
  3. Documentation of UCO quantities delivered is available.
  4. Applicable national legislation regarding waste prevention and management (e.g. for transport, supervision, etc.) are complied with.
  5. Auditors from certification bodies or from ISCC (may be accompanied by a representative of the
    Collecting Point) can examine on-site or by contacting the signatory (e.g. via telephone) whether the statements made in this self-declaration are correct.
  6. The information on this self-declaration can be forwarded to and reviewed by the certification body of the Collecting Point and by ISCC. Note: The certification body and ISCC keep all data provided on this self-declaration confidential.